Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Beginnings

One of the things I love about September is the hopefulness it brings. It ushers in a new school year and with it a new beginning. I love the opportunity to make use of the knowlege gained from good choices made, as well as, past mistakes. Although I haven't been in "school" for a long time, being a mother keeps me in the rhythm of the school calendar-which I still appreciate! I LOVE to learn and there is no finer classroom than daily life. Admittedly, I am not a fast learner. I have often tried to get a different and better result by employing the same , ineffective habits. Isn't that the definition of insanity?! Yet, I try to be patient with myself (and others) remembering that growth is a slow, arduous process . When looked at too closely it is often invisible to the eye. Thankfully though, like the seed in the ground, in time, with watering and attention to the weeds, growth is seen and the harvest comes.

The longer I am married and the more years I have under my belt raising kids; the more I realize how much I have yet to learn. What a relief to know and accept that fact!! In truth, I think that while raising our children, the lessons taught us by the kids is what finally helps parents to GROW up! This past summer, while our college kids were home, one of our daughters said disappointedly "WOW, you didn't do things this way when I was their age!" I quickly replied, " Well, I hope I have learned some things after all these years. While I am still alive I hope that I never get so set in my ways that I am unable to change and grow. That's what life is all about, don't you think?" She looked at me with a sort of puzzled annoyance and dropped the complaints.

One of the things I have tried to instill in our daughters is to see their life in stages, like the seasons.To understand that there is a time for everything, but that it takes patience, hard work and the acceptance that life is a journey; not a destination. As a woman in the 21st century there are more opportunities than ever! I want our girls to have a sense of gratitude for that fact and an awareness that many women before them did not have the possiblities they have. Each prior generation labored in countless ways to provide growth and advancement for those that came after them. It is important to remind our daughters that their privileges came from the sweat and sacrifices of many women before them. As they make their daily decisions, which are often complex because so much is possible now, it is helpful to feel an obligation to those who went before them. To esteem and honor others contributions diminishes the chance that they will squander "their inheritance".

Another new beginning is just around the corner, the 2008 Presidential election. Regardless of party affliation and political stands on the various issues there is one thing that I believe we all can agree upon. This has been and will be an historic election! During the primaries we witnessed the first time a woman has run for her parties' nomination and the first time an African American has won the nomination. Now that there is a woman running on the opposite ticket as the VP nominee, it will be a first for our country either way. That is something we can all celebrate! Americans from all the previous generations contributed to this new beginning for our country. I hope and pray that we can take the time to acknowlege that we have all benefited from their idealism,tenacity and courage. May we honor them by respect for our common humanity and faith in our democratic system. Although we may see things from different points of view and after all the mistakes in the past, hopefully, we can finally learn to have a civil discourse with one another! Well, let us at least TRY!!!


Unknown said...

Extremely well said! You have such a way with words!

Anonymous said...

Nice Job!

Write 2 The Point said...

Very nice Mary! I look forward to reading your blog!
best wishes to you and God Bless!
Karen Mahoney

Karen McQuestion said...

Well put! I enjoyed your post and look forward to more.

Gramma 2 Many said...

Therese sent me over. Will look forward to reading you often. You have a great way with words and can articulate what I can only think.

Anonymous said...

Mom and Dad would be proud!


Anonymous said...

Mom and Dad would be proud!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so glad I finally took the time to read your beautiful reflections! As women, wives, mothers & daughters we can all relate to your written words and realize each day is a new day and a gift from God!

Thank you for your thoughts & inspiration and I look forward to more... JR

Clare said...

right on, Mom. I love reading your words because it is like I'm actually hearing it! You do know what that means right? ....that you're a talented writer. period. Also, you brought up some very thought-provoking political points. Thank you again