Saturday, September 13, 2008

Being, Rather Than Doing

It may only be the middle of September, but with so much activity at home and in the world I am finding it a challenge to hold onto my hopeful enthusiasm for new beginnings. Difficult as it may be I am determined to keep my perspective! Regardless of the outside demands upon me, my desire to respond, not react, is within my very nature. I am a human being, after all, not an animal that acts out of instinct. It may seem silly to have to remind myself, but as I mentioned last week I have a knack for trying to get a different result by repeating the same ineffective methods. So I realize that one of the ways to break ingrained habits, that aren't helpful, is to begin with some basic truths. One of the most basic is often the least remembered. I am a human being made in the image and likeness of God. My understanding and belief in this truth empowers me to know that I CAN grow and change for the better, if I choose to do so. It allows me to see that possibility in others, as well. As much as I love the beginning of a new day for all the possibilities it affords me, shouldn't I give that same benefit to every other person?!

One of the reasons I seem to get stuck in reacting, instead of responding, is that I often let all of the evidence, for my perceived ineffectiveness, drown the fact that I am a child of God. I am loved and of great worth simply because of that! Sadly, I seem to buy into the deception that my value depends on what I do, how I look, etc. Looking around society I don't think I am alone in this! One of the great impediments to being fully human is to be so busy doing, that we no longer take the time to be. We are capable of thinking about our life, thinking about our actions, thinking about the needs of others and choosing to act in accordance with those thoughts. This is one distinction which clearly separates us from all other creatures. This is a great gift, but for it to be exercised we must set aside the time to allow ourselves to BE human and reflect.

Over the years I have come to understand that this is essential. If I do not take the time to do this I severely diminish my ability to choose thoughtful responses to the challenges of life. Responses which are in line with the principles I hold most dear. I am at peace when my decisions mirror these principles. How often have I told myself, explicitly or not, that I am just too busy to read, to pray, to take time for myself. When this happens I no longer act out of the best of my human nature, but instead I am left reacting. It is then that I find I resort to acting out of emotions like fear, anger, confusion or panic! I don't know about you, but I seldom make my finest decisions based on these overwhelming feelings. I must keep in mind that setting aside time to think and pray fills me with strength and a renewed sense of purpose. Nourishing my spirit with faith and hope actually allows me to be a more loving woman to all those I connect with each day. As a ripple in the stream it reverberates far beyond the initial throw of the stone.

As women in modern society with so many opportunities available, it takes discernment to know how to use our time, energy and talents for the good of family, society and self. Far too often I have decided that this personal time was simply a luxury or "great" if I could find the time. So, you guessed it, it simply didn't happen! Finally I decided, after many mistakes, that I would no longer be tossed around like a ship without an anchor. I would make the time for thoughtful reflection and prayer. Although I have little control over what life sends my way the time I spend "doing" what the world may see as nothing, actually is being truly human. Taking the time to think and pray feeds my spirit like food nourishes the body. I would never dream of missing a meal!!!


Anonymous said...

Nicely put! Great Job!

Karen Mahoney said...

i agree! Very nice and meaningful. God Bless you

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful reflection! You truly have a gift for putting your thoughts into words. Thank you for sharing such awesome words of inspiration!

Unknown said...

What an inspirational reflection!

Anonymous said...


Anita said...

Hi hope,

Thank you for dropping by my blog. I'll have to come back and catch up on your blog after work.


Anonymous said...

seems to have a strangely interesting connection to my philosophy of being class....inspiring and uplifting to read, mom.

Clare said...

Mama, you have a true talent with words and articulation. This is a very wise writing! Thank you :)

Robin said...

Great blog. Just stopping by after you contacted me on cafemom. I will make sure to put you on my blog roll:) I have 2 blogs, so you'll probably go on my single mom blog, b/c it's more inspirational than my "mommy" blog. Hope you are having a great weekend. I just got a make over on my mommy blog and am going to do the same with the single mom blog very soon. God bless

Debbie said...

Hi Hope! Thanks so much for stopping by Blog Around the World. I just wanted to let you know that you are all linked up! Stop by daily to see where in the world we are headed next!

Unknown said...

Stop by for your award!